eg is there anything missing in my diet or do people use hand and nail creams that they've found to help? or is it something else I haven't considered?Other than painting them or having french manicures is there any way to get naturally whiter nail tips?
Lack of calcium will dull the nails and make them brittle as well as giving you little white spots on the pink part of the nail. There are other vitamins/minerals that are healthy for them as well, so be sure to take a multi-supplement if your diet is not so well rounded.
As far as getting them white without polish ...soak them in lemon juice for a few minutes. That will help get some yellowing off if they are very dull looking and give them a shine. Also, there is a nail stick (looks like eyeliner but it's white) that you can use. Simply wet the tip of it a little and ';color'; the underside of your nail tip. No polish required!
You can then buff them to get a shine or use a clear coat polish to protect and strengthen while giving them shine.
Good luck!Other than painting them or having french manicures is there any way to get naturally whiter nail tips?
I would recommend buffing and polishing and then painting a clear nail varnish (like Avon strengthening varnish) over them - do this process every 4 days or so and they will get stronger and whiter. My nails were more see through and now I look like I have a french manicure without doing a thing. It is the best thing I can recommend and it shouldn't be too costly either. Hope this helps :-)
wash under your finger nails ALOT.
My nails are really pretty :)
Using a nail brush regularly will help.
You can swipe an orange stick with some cotton dipped in bit of hydrogen peroxide under your nails ever 4-5 days and rinse well. Follow up with nail oil.
Some people use those tooth whitening strips or soak their nails in a denture tablet bath.
Beauty supply stores carry specialized nail cleaners for soaking your tips and getting them whiter.
There are also white pencils designed for under the nails.
No, some peoples nails are different, there is nothing else we can do to permanently change them, it is just the way it is.
Steredent tables the ones that are used to clean dentures
put one in a bowl of water and dip hands in
you could try special nail whiting tablets but their just in effect denture cleaning tab's but cost twice as much
Cutex hand and nail cream is really good... you could also soak your nails in lemon juice as this makes them clean, shiny and strong.. in between visits to the nail salon i apply 2 layers of top coat which just gives my nails a lovely shine.... You can also buy nail tip whitener pencils (bit like eyeliner pencil) and these are very good!!!!
It's actually not lack of calcium that makes the white flecks on your nails but a lack of zinc. (Trinity). I got a really good clear nail varnish from Collection 2000 in Boots for Strength and Repair and it's really good if that's any help?
hiya, you can buy a little pencil that makes your nail tips whiter. they sell them in all sorts of places. and if you wear bright/dark nail varnish ever, make sure you put a base coat on or the varnish will dye your nails and they'll look all yellow.
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